Site setup

Created: Oct 24, 2021. Last updated: Oct 24, 2021.

The site is built with Jekyll. Content is edited within ObsidianObsidian
There are many tools for digital [[personal knowledge management]]. I've used Evernote extensively, Google keep for a few months, Notion for a summer, OneNote for a day, I've watched videos on othe...
. Code is edited with Sublime Text.

The original website is hosted on Versio: The github pages copy is hosted on If you are interested in my source code, you can get it via github.

The theme

My Jekyll theme is based on Jekyll Garden, which has been developed to support digital gardenDigital garden
A digital garden is a type of web presence which is somewhere in-between a tweet and a blog, in terms of the amount of structure and finality of the contents (see note stagesNote stages
Notes in a [[digital garden]] have different stages of development.
For my notes, I'm using the same terminology here as Gwern, and to stay with the gardening metaphor, they will be accompanied wi...
). Like a garden, i...
s using Obsidian markdown-style notes.

I have been refactoring code to make it better adhere to Jekyll standards (which also makes it easier to extend), and to make it better fit with my own needs.

  • I've added different note stagesNote stages
    Notes in a [[digital garden]] have different stages of development.
    For my notes, I'm using the same terminology here as Gwern, and to stay with the gardening metaphor, they will be accompanied wi...
    (note, draft, in-progress, finished) which are visualized in the note overview with icons. In the note page, the icon is shown on the right of the title header.
  • I've changed the content parsing code so it looks at the slug (filename without extension) instead of the note title for internal linking.
  • Fixed the image urls in mode switcher, so now it also works correctly in sub-folders (e.g. for a page of a note in the notes folder)
  • Show created and last updated dates in page with backlink
  • Added a mail me + page-specific mail subject title to the footer
  • Optimized Backlinks code. Stop looping once identified there is at least one link. And use site.documents to go through all collections.
  • Header image support for pages with backlink (notes, projects, …). Specify image and image-alt in the yaml.
  • Removed the Public / Private folder separation. Excluded templates folder in the yaml config from processing. And instead of having to specify for each file whether you want it in the feed, you can now add hidden : true to the frontmatter of any file you don't want to show up in listings.
  • Decreases h2 and h3 size, to better distinguish them from each other and h1.
  • Added subtle transition on hover over the note cards in the listing. Made the dark background a bit less dark in dark mode, so you can see the shadow a bit. Added a bg-light color to have a subtle highlight on hover. Added the anchor tag around the card div instead of inside, which allowed me to remove some unnecessary css.
  • Removed some of the unnecessary !important in the style.css.
  • Adjusted the .related-wrapper and .related-group styling so now the notes listing adjusts like you would expect, adding more notes in a row when the screen width allows.

For notes on what I still want to fix, see site to doSite To Do
Things I still want to improve, add, or fix:

Should have

Filter on notes with specific tags (key areas)
Use the backlinks listing style also for the other listings, as this way more notes can...